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Sheffield, United Kingdom

Monday, 14 March 2011

Task 1 Final Piece

For my final piece, I decided to return to the idea of doing a 'set' or 'series' of pieces, I chose to do 3. I began by simply cutting out the nets (A2 size) for all 3 of the pieces.

In my development I had experimented with adding another colour of paper to the final piece, I really liked the mixture of shapes and colours that this created and intend to apply it to my final piece(s) however, if I feel it weakens the final piece then I may decide to remove the inner piece as I have not trialled this idea on such a large scale before...

(exterior net layouts)

Piece 1

Out of the three I feel this is my final piece, it uses repetition to create the shapes of the slits and although they are all slightly different shapes etc the method/technique and basic net for the shape were all repeated to get the final layout. This piece has had 3 of its corners attached together, with a similar shape placed inside. The orange piece is one third of an A2 sheet, the reason I chose this size was because I wanted it to fit neatly inside without coming to the front too much; the internal structure remains inside and needs to be approached at a close distant to be able to distinguish it properly and accurately. 

Piece 2

This is very similar to many of my original designs and that is why I chose to keep this shape in, it is much more simple and basic to the other 2 shapes due to the simple horizontal lined layout on the net. I am unsure if I prefer this piece in the position it is now or turner upside down and 90 degrees to the left. 

Piece 3

In the photograph this piece is more difficult to view, it has a 360 degree view and looks best I feel as you continuously move around the piece. This I feel is the weakest piece and it hasn't turned out 100% as I wanted it to. I was hoping it would end up looking the same as the smaller model that I experimented with a few weeks ago.

Displaying my final piece

The final set will displayed by being suspended on invisible string, the pieces are not as strong as a I hoped due to the thickness of the paper in relation to the size of them; this means they may need holding up securely by the string in order to create the accurate finished shape. This is particularly important for piece 2.

Final Composition:


TASK 1. In reflection upon this project I feel that I should have probably looked into more options and techniques before going down the route I have chosen. However, I feel I made a decision that kept to the brief and managed to organise my time well in order to keep on top of the work and get it completed in plenty of time. I found that the pieces I created actually look better on photographs than real life as it is easier to control the angle that the audience is looking at the piece, as well as the lighting. 

If I was to do this project again I would look at more different techniques and also try to develop my final pieces more, maybe adding more techniques, layers of inner structures etc.

TASK 2. In this area of the project I feel I could have probably spent more time looking at manipulating the paper to create newer adaptations. I found there was a lot of confusion within this project of tutors telling students different things which caused a few problems. Overall though, I feel I kept to the brief and created an outcome suitable to the style of GFSmith paper's current business designs. 

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